Friday, October 5, 2012

Jones on Display

In celebration of the recent publication of Joy Kiser's book, America's Other Audubon (see May 21, 2012, post in this blog), the Library is now displaying the first volume of Genevieve Jones' Illustrations of the Nests and Eggs of the Birds of Ohio, along with photos of the Jones family. In addition to having one of the remaining copies of this unique set, the Museum is fortunate to own two loose parts, which originally belonged to Teddy Roosevelt. The former President purchased these two parts when he was in law school in 1879. The photo on the right, below, shows the receipt for purchase of the two parts at only $10!

The two loose parts were on loan to the Mass Audubon Visual Arts Center, where they were part of an exhibit celebrating this rare work.

Stop on up to the Library to see the Jones book in person!

(Updated 2/12/2013)